As The World Dies: The First Days: A Zombie Trilogy - Rhiannon Frater This was my first ever zombie read and I absolutely loved it. Jenni and Katie become sisters-in-arms, developing an unbreakable bond in the face of the zombie holocaust. I was envious of their friendship. They came from very different backgrounds, their old lives lost and embark on new ones together and in Jenni’s case with a completely new personality as a crazy risk taker. Their survival was more about luck than skill, it was horrifying to see good people die so quickly and easily.After reading this, for the first time I wished I lived in a gun-toting country. I want a gun, make that “guns”, plural, and a never-ending supply of bullets. You know, just in case.My Favourite BitsThe zombie old man outside the library clutching “Better Sex After 60″Juan to Travis about Katie:“Ever see Chasing Amy?”“No.”“Eh, you’re fucked”“Yeah.”Juan to Jenni:“Dropping from the harness is real loca, Loca. What if you had missed and hit the spikes?”“Um, you would miss me?”“Yeah, right.”Mike's ominous "...the black man always gets it"The fact that Jenni's mixed race: her mother was Mexican, dad Irish so she can speak Spanish.Katie's bisexuality.