I'm the Vampire, That's Why (Broken Heart, Oklahoma, Book 1)

I'm The Vampire, That's Why - Michele Bardsley A single parent protagonist? And of under-18s too. Something different -Whoo-hoo! The humour for me was hit-and-miss (Woobies? Seriously?) but what really intrigued me was Jessica's relationship with her dead husband, Rich and his mistress, Charlene and their baby, little Richie. The emotional side of things. You can't help feeling for Jess while she's trying to figure out how to deal the mistress of her dead husband now permanently entrenched in her life as another new vampire, sharing the same master (jealousy but that's not irrational -she steals one man, she might steal another) as well as adjusting to the undead lifestyle and holding off the enemy Wraiths. What Charlene reveals about Rich changes the way Jess feels about him but ultimately the outcome of her marriage would've been the same.Aside from the constant worry for their health and safetly and considering Jess is a widowed single mother, we don't see too much of the children. I know the focus is on the couple coming together being romance and all but I was desperate to know how they felt about the werewolves and vampires in their lives beyond the obvious "Coooool!"I liked the origin stories behind the first vampire and The Rings as well as the concept of claiming and mating for 100 years. It cuts out the possibility of straying but could leave you in a miserable situation. Overall, this was an easy, fast and fun read.