LonCon3 #26: My Opinions Let Me Show You Them + The Art of Reviewing

Panellists: Foz Meadows (Shattersnipe), Thea James (The Book Smugglers), Aidan Moher (A Dribble of Ink), Adam Whitehead,Justin Landon (Staffer’s Book Review)


There are many different approaches to book blogging: some focus on news and announcements, running author interviews and ARC giveaways supported by publishers; others concentrate on reviewing and opinion pieces; still others are devoted to raising awareness of certain types of writing, like SF Mistressworks or the World SF Blog. Our panel discusses how they chose their blogs’ format and focus, how the blogs evolved over time, and how they found their ‘voice’ and their audience.

Panellists: Alvaro Zinos-AmaroPaul KincaidElizabeth Hand,Matt Hilliard

John Clute is one of the people who lifted reviewing in the field to an art form. What makes the difference between a workmanlike review that tells us what we need to know, and a review which becomes a text worth studying in its own right? Under what circumstances does a review transcend its immediate subject, and become part of the wider conversation about genre? Who are reviews for: readers, authors, industry, other reviewers?

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Source: http://literaryames.wordpress.com/2014/09/21/loncon3-26-my-opinions-let-me-show-you-them-the-art-of-reviewing